This is a sample disclosure language under Item 18.B of Form ADV Part 2A for an investment adviser which has received a PPP loan and is facing a precarious financial condition related to COVID-19.
This sample language should not be used without consulting with an accountant and compliance professional. This sample language should be considered as a starting point; the investment adviser firm will need to customize this language to its particular situation. Please see our disclosure about the limitations of sample form at
This sample document is delivered via the purchaser’s online subscription account with RIA Compliance Consultants. If the purchaser does not have an online subscription account, after the purchase, the purchaser will receive a follow-up email directing the purchaser to establish online subscription account. This step will need to completed before our systems can deliver the sample document. For an instructional video, please visit
Included with Value, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum Packages. Form updated 5/13/2020.